He has done it before, and he has done it better, but Ben Harper’s eighth studio album—“an album in two parts”—is a worthy addition to his near spotless library. Disc one, comprised of ballads, is both whimsical and poignant (“Happily Everafter In Your Eyes” and “Mourning Yearning” are particularly moving). On disc two, Harper opens up his sound and raises the tempo, delving into soul, funk, psychedelia, Southern blues, and straight up Rolling Stones-inspired rock and roll (“Get It Like You Want It” and “Engraved Invitation” are straight from the
Exile-playbook). At just over an hour in its entirety, the two parts could have easily been placed on one CD, and with a little trimming and creative sequencing, he could have perhaps delivered a slightly stronger album. But that would defeat the purpose. Here, Harper gives each of these songs equal weight and importance. And while Harper isn’t afraid to get political, nor shy from spirituality, he doesn’t beat you over the head with his ideology.
Both Sides of the Gun is a wonderful album and further testament to his impeccable career.